Maintenance code violations increase in 2018; Majority found in rental properties

Published 8:53 am Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The number of maintenance code violations found by city inspectors increased in 2018, according to a report from Planning and Zoning Administrator Holly Wallace.

In 2018, 434 violations were found in 971 inspections. Of those properties:

  • 236 were rental properties;
  • 188 were owner occupied properties; and
  • 10 were commercial properties

In 2017, 328 violations were found:

  • 196 were rental properties;
  • 116 were owner occupied properties; and
  • 16 were commercial properties

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Wallace noted that the Planning and Zoning department was not fully staffed in 2017, which may have impacted the numbers. She also noted that zoning inspections are now more proactive, not just strictly complaint based.

A rental housing ordinance, passed last year, went into effect at the beginning of this month. The ordinance was drafted to “maintain decent, safe, and sanitary rental units that do not contribute to blight or nuisance in neighborhoods.”

Under the ordinance, rental properties are required to be licensed and subject to inspection by a city compliance officer every two years.

Wallace also reported that the city currently has three court orders to proceed with demolition of hazardous properties and that three properties are in progress with hazardous resolutions and pending court orders.

On average, the average cost of demolishing a hazardous structure, including asbestos removal, in $11,000. There is funding specifically budgeted for the removal or repair of hazardous structures