‘It pays to be safe’ has QPP workers rewarded for safe work practices
Published 8:08 am Thursday, April 4, 2019
Quality Pork Processors employees know it pays to be safe. So on Wednesday afternoon, they were rewarded for doing just that through the company’s Pays to be SAFE program.
Employees at QPP had their names submitted into a raffle if the individual employee had his or her personal protective equipment complete at the time the supervisor conducted an audit, according to Didacus Guzman, safety director at QPP.
“The excitement was so good,” Guzman said. “We had employees walking up to supervisors to get their personal protective equipment looked at so they could participate.”
The processing plant has been running different types of programs to help change the safety culture for employees while at the same time boosting their enthusiasm and excitement. The raffle was open to all employees and each individual had a chance to win one out of 15 prizes that ranged from a Playstation 4, a drill press, pots and pans, a notepad, a sofa, a scooter drill motor set, tools and other electronic goodies.
“With this program, personal protective equipment is at the top of every employees mind and thus helps keep everyone safe,” he added.