Society News: Brownsdale Study Club and Duplicate Bridge
Published 6:43 am Saturday, April 27, 2019
Brownsdale Study Club
The Brownsdale Study Club met April 17, at the home of Leone Peterson. Vice President Sharon Willis brought the meeting to order with the reading of the Collect.
The minutes and treasurer’s reports were read. Eight members answered roll call by describing a first or favorite pet. Old business included a list has been started for community members interested in joining the study club when a space opens up. No new business. Mary Moritz made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Leone.
Sharon gave the outside reading on the period of Queen Victoria’s reign. Beginning at age 18, the 4 foot, 11 inch queen of Britain ruled from 1837-1901. The Victorian era brought much progress for Britain including the first electric telegraph, voting reform in the Peoples Charter, abolishment of slavery, the first modern railroad line, and the first postage stamp.
The queen married in 1840 and had nine children. This was also the era of Charles Dickens, the Irish Potato Famine, the first World’s Fair, mandatory small pox vaccinations, Florence Nightingale, Charles Darwin, Jack the Ripper, and the first telephone.
LaVonne Skov presented the main topic on the Bald Eagle. Each year, a couple will co-parent 1-3 eaglets in their massive nest. With each year, a new 12-inch layer can be added to the previously tamped down interior of a nest. The eagles primarily eat fish, which are often stolen from other birds. They also feed on small birds or mammals, and may hunt small grazing animals if desperate for food.
Leone served Easter themed snacks.
Submitted by Shelley Vogel, Secretary
Duplicate Bridge
Five and a half tables played duplicate bridge on April 16
First place, Barb Engebretson and Orrin Roisen; second place, Gail and Ray Schmidt; third place, Joyce Crowe and Millie Seiver; fourth place, John Liesen and Rick Stroup; fifth place, Larry Crowe and Bill Momsen
Eleven teams played April 17.
First place, Larry Crowe and Jim Fisher; second place, Joyce Crowe and Millie Seiver; third place, Tom Flaherty and Stan Schultz; fourth place, Barb Engebretson and Eunice Michaelis; fifth place, John Leisen and Rick Stroup; sixth place, Gail and Ray Schmidt.
Both sessions play at the Mower County Senior Center. Players came from Albert Lea, Austin, Adams, Rose Creek and Mason City, Iowa. Great to see our numbers increasing, call Joyce at 1-507-437-2750 if you need a partner. This is a game that forces your brain to engage, competitive and just plain fun.