Society News: Cotillion Club and Duplicate Bridge

Published 6:35 am Saturday, May 25, 2019

Cotillion Club

At the Austin Country Club, on May 7, 2019, the tables were set, the Barry Rush Combo was setting up, the food was set on the serving table and the dancers were ready. The Cotillion Club members were set to enjoy another evening of dinner and dance.

We were pleased to welcome guests Bill Taufic, Steve and Shari Mason, Duane Maxwell and Ariel Childress Nangle.

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The evening was planned by the committee pictured above.

The 100th year anniversary celebration of Cotillion will be held at the next dance on June 4. We are looking forward to a very special evening.

Duplicate Bridge

Thirteen teams played duplicate bridge on May 14.

First place, Lorraine Quinlivan and Barb Rofshus; second place (tie), John Leisen and Rick Stroup and Vandy Newman and Jim Fisher; fourth place, Loren Cleland and Dave Ring; fifth place, Barb Engebretson and Orrin Roisen.

Eleven teams played duplicate on May 15.

First place, Larry Crowe and Jim Fisher; second place, Dave Ring and Orrin Roisen; third place, Gail and Ray Schmidt; fourth place, Vandy Newman and Ron Peters; fifth place, John Leisen and Quentin Fiala.

Both sessions are played at the Mower County Senior Center and is open to all bridge players. Players come from a wide area including Adams, Rose Creek, Albert Lea, Austin, Northwood and Mason City, Iowa. Everyone is welcome .