Society News: Brownsdale Study Club and Duplicate Bridge

Published 6:04 am Saturday, June 29, 2019

Brownsdale Study Club

The Brownsdale Study Club met June 19, at the home of Sharon Willis. Jane Hartson brought the meeting to order with the reading of the Collect. The minutes and treasurer’s reports were approved as read. Ten members answered roll call to “favorite Minnesota town.” There was no old business. New business included  that after seven years as a valued study club member, Ida Foster is resigning. The president and vice president will contact a new potential member to fill her spot.

Announcement: If you would like to check out a local museum, Gary’s Country Museum in Stewartville displays a wide variety of items. Located at 7885 County Road 6 SW, it is open 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday through Sunday.

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The next meeting will take place in the home of Fern Paschke.

A motion was made, seconded and passed to adjourn the meeting.

For the main topic, Rena Perrigo told the story of the troll that had been given to her by a Norwegian friend. It had gone missing and after a long absence, finally returned as a gnome with a note explaining that he had a face lift and many adventures. Later, the secret was revealed that Rena’s daughter had left the replacement gnome and note. We may never know what true adventures the original troll is having.

For outside reading, LaVonne Skov read poems from the book “Better Than Gold.” These included “Speak Gently” by G.W. Langford and “The Power of Little Things” by Francis Ridley Havergal.

Sharon served a scrumptious lemon dessert.

Duplicate Bridge

Six tables played Duplicate bridge on June 18. First place, Larry Crowe and Bill Momsen; second place, Lorraine Lippert and Ron Peter; third place (tie) Loren Cleland and Dave Ring,Vandy Newman and Jim Fisher, Theresa Baldus and Harriet Oldenburg; six place, Joyce Crowe and Millie Seiver. Five tables played on June 19.

First place, Dave Ring and Orrin Roisen; second place, Julie Prochnow and Lorraine Quinlivan; third place, Larry Crowe and Jim Fisher; fourth place, Vandy Newman and Ron Peters; fifth place, Bonnie Fritz and Loren Cleland.

Call Joyce at 437-2750  if you  would like to play and need a partner.