Society News: Duplicate Bridge
Published 5:48 am Saturday, September 7, 2019
Thirteen teams played duplicate bridge on Tuesday, Aug. 27.
First place, Vandy Newman and Dave Ring; second place, Barb Engebretson and Orrin Roisen; third place, Millie Siever and Bill Momsen; fourth place, Lorraine Quinlivan and Barb Rofshus; fifth place, Gail and Ray Schmidt.
Five full tables played on Wednesday, Aug. 28.
First place, Dave Ring and Orrin Roisen; second place, Barb Rofshus and John Karnes; third place, Julie Prochnow and Lorraine Quinlivan; fourth place, Barb Engebretson and Eunice Michaelis; fifth place, Gail and Ray Schmidt.
Thirteen teams played on Tuesday, Aug. 20.
First place, Loren Cleland and Dave Ring; second place, Gail and Ray Schmidt; third place (tie) Barb Engebretson and Orrin Roisen and Joyce Crowe and Millie Siever; fifth place, Quentin Fiala and Jim Fisher; sixt place, John Leisen and Rich Stroup.
Five tables played on noon at Wednesday, Aug. 21.
First place, Dave Ring and Orrin Roisen; second place, Larry Crowe and Jim Fisher; third place, Gail and Ray Schmidt; fourth place, Tom Flaherty and Stan Schultz; fifth place, Bonnie Fritz and Loren Cleland.
Sessions are played weekly at the Mower County Senior Center. All are welcome, no need to be a member. Players come from Adams, Rose Creek, Austin, Albert Lea and Mason City, Iowa. Lunch is available daily at the senior center. Interested bridge players may call Joyce at 1-507-437-2750 if they need a partner.