A rip-roarin’ wild west tall tale: MCT presents ‘Pecos Bill and Slue-Foot Sue Meet the Dirty Dan Gang’
Published 6:55 am Thursday, February 6, 2020
Matchbox Children’s Theatre continues its 45th season this weekend with “Pecos Bill and Slue-Foot Sue Meet the Dirty Dan Gang.”
The play tells the story of Pecos Bill, who was raised by coyotes, and Slue-Foot Sue, who liked to ride down the Rio Grande River on a catfish, as they try to save Sue’s grandmother’s humble cottage from Dirty Dan and his gang, who quiver and quake at the very mention of soap. This melodrama is filled with contests, complications and loaded with laughs.
Look forward to fun character themes and energetic chase scenes.
Director Janet Anderson said the audience is highly encouraged to join the fun with cheers and boos and is fully confident that adults will enjoy this play just as much as the kids.
Coni Nelson underscores the melodrama style with her talents on the piano as Ivory Tinkler.
The talented cast of 16 ranges in age from 12 to adult. Anderson said that the balance of children and adults in the cast is a trademark of Matchbox Children’s Theatre that adds to the creative dynamics of MCT productions. Actors learn from each other as they develop acting styles and strong characters.
Performances of “Pecos Bill and Slue-Foot Sue Meet the Dirty Dan Gang” will be held at 7 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, Feb. 7-8, and 2 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 9. All performances will take place at the Historic Paramount Theatre. The show is about on hour long.
Tickets are available in advance through austinareaarts.org and will be sold at the door. Tickets are just $6 for ages 14 and younger, $10 for adults and ages 2 and younger are admitted free. Individual and Family Season Tickets are also available. Like the Matchbox Facebook page or visit www.matchboxchildrenstheatre.org/ for details and updates on future shows.
This play is produced by special arrangement with Pioneer Drama Service Inc. of Englewood, Colorado, and is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Southeastern MN Arts Council thanks to legislative appropriation from arts and culture heritage fund.
“Pecos Bill and Slue-Foot Sue Meet the Dirty Dan Gang” cast
- Granny: Angela Kelly
- Widow Quackenbush: Emma Brekke
- Conchita: Dinora Viany Juarez Valle
- Becky: Ryan Capp
- Billy: Hunter Jensen
- Blu: Isaac Zerke
- School M’arm: Lynsey McMahon
- Fleas: Emily Miller
- Boots: Jon Cochran
- Dirty Dan: Randy Forster
- Lily Grouch: Penny Kinney
- Old Timer: Paul Burger
- Slue Foot Sue: Faith Rautenkranz
- Pecos Bil: Edward Dreyer
- Clever Coyote: Renae Clark
- Mrs. Goodnews and Sara: Taylor Hinrichs