Education Briefs
Published 7:01 am Saturday, February 22, 2020
Riverland Community College President’s
and Dean’s lists for fall 2019
Adams: Olivia Hegge, President’s List; Ashlynn Mandt, Dean’s List; Chelsea Mason, Dean’s List; Carl Mueller, Dean’s List; Cecylia Shulze, President’s List
Austin: Jordyn Aakre, Dean’s List; Anthony Aarsvold, President’s List; Hannah Allhiser, Dean’s List; Fairy Apolo, President’s List; Zinsou Assogba, President’s List; Almarick Awounou, Dean’s List; Garry Baluyot, Dean’s List; Valerie Barthels, Dean’s List; Brandon Batten, Dean’s List; LaVerne (Lee) Bauer, Dean’s List; Madison Bellrichard, President’s List; Ryley Blomquist, Dean’s List; Carlos Botello, Dean’s List; Abbigail Brinkman, President’s List; Jody Broadwell, President’s List; Brianna Brooks, Dean’s List; Jose Carlos Alejo, Dean’s List; Susan Chandler, President’s List; Tehya Cleaves, Dean’s List; Zandra Conner, Dean’s List; Helena Maria Croce, President’s List; Emily Curtis, President’s List; Marcos De Almeida Brigido Filho, Dean’s List; Alison Delhanty, Dean’s List; Gustavo Dias Sorato, Dean’s List; Zhang Ding, Dean’s List; Kevin Echeverria, Dean’s List; Ashley Ehmke, Dean’s List; Stacy Erkeneff, Dean’s List; Thomas Estrem, Dean’s List; Ellen Eyre, President’s List; Priscilla Felemu, Dean’s List; Jeremy Flores, Dean’s List; Bradley Forland, Dean’s List; Nyanto Gash, Dean’s List; Tim Gelpke, Dean’s List; Hans Gilbert, Dean’s List; Nicole Gilbert, Dean’s List; Jackson Goetz, President’s List; Keaton Goetz, Dean’s List; Evan Goodmanson, Dean’s List; Michael Grabau, President’s List; Mitchell Grabau, Dean’s List; Destiny Gray, Dean’s List; Cole Gunderson, Dean’s List; Chloe Guttormson, President’s List; Heather Hatfield, Dean’s List; Jonathan Hegna, Dean’s List; Megan Heimer, Dean’s List; Ryan Heinlen, Dean’s List; Karina Hernandez, Dean’s List; Christopher Heston, Dean’s List; Cynder Higgins, Dean’s List; Avery Hinkley, Dean’s List; Tanner Hoban, President’s List; Lauren Holets-Buntrock, Dean’s List; Nounawon Houenaze, Dean’s List; Adetonan Hounwanou, President’s List; Joshua Howe, Dean’s List; Eh Htoo, Dean’s List; Moo Htoo, Dean’s List; Olivia Johnson, President’s List; Sydney Johnson, Dean’s List; Juliana Jorgenson, Dean’s List; Anna Keefe, President’s List; Elijah Kenitz, Dean’s List; Dah Ku, Dean’s List; Joshua Kunze, Dean’s List;Jazilyn Larrow, Dean’s List; Sierra Leichtnam, Dean’s List; Lisa Leidall, Dean’s List; Melissa Lindberg, Dean’s List; Steven Lynn, Dean’s List; Alexyss Magnuson, Dean’s List; Dani-Annkay Magulado, Dean’s List; Alysa Manahan, Dean’s List; Maribel Martin, Dean’s List; Kenneth Mathias, Dean’s List; Marissa McConnell, Dean’s List; Jacob Meek, Dean’s List; Francisco Mendez Ramirez, President’s List; Jazmin Mendoza Nava, Dean’s List; Issac Meyer, President’s List; Mandi Miller, Dean’s List; Paul Miller, President’s List; Eliza Moon, President’s List; Andrea Murphy, Dean’s List; Ella Muzik, President’s List; Esmeralda Navarro, Dean’s List; Ventura Navarro, Dean’s List; Rachel Nelsen, President’s List; Abbey Neve, Dean’s List; Jonas Noble, Dean’s List; Joshua Norenberg, Dean’s List; Thimonthe Noukoumonke, Dean’s List; Karina Olivarez, President’s List; Kevin Ortiz, Dean’s List; Beau Oster, President’s List; Jessie Padron, President’s List; Nicolas Parada, Dean’s List; Alexandra Perrin, Dean’s List; Sean Poczos, Dean’s List; Pedro Quintana Martinez, President’s List; Elizabeth Reed, Dean’s List; Sow Reh, Dean’s List; Noelan Riley, Dean’s List; Jamie Riskedahl, Dean’s List; Jonathan Rivera, Dean’s List; Fabiola Rodriguez, Dean’s List; Kyle Rossow, Dean’s List; McKenzie Schocker, Dean’s List; Samuel Schulz, President’s List; Kyle Sellers, President’s List; John Sengsouriya, Dean’s List; Evelyn Serrano, Dean’s List; Araiha Shropshire, Dean’s List; Grayden Shupe, Dean’s List; Treyvis Smith, President’s List; Eh Soe, Dean’s List; Erick Soto, Dean’s List; Koffi Soukou, President’s List; Justin Steinbach, Dean’s List; Gretchen Sunde, President’s List;Bisrat Tadesse, Dean’s List; Ediget Tadesse, President’s List; Estrella Torres, President’s List; Roel Torres Garcia, Dean’s List; Alondra Valladares, Dean’s List; Juan Valladares, Dean’s List; LeAnn Valle, Dean’s List; Daniel Vargas II, Dean’s List; Gabriella Vasquez Alva, Dean’s List; Karen Vazquez Resendiz, Dean’s List; Adrian Vela, Dean’s List; Michael Velazquez, President’s List; Angela Vietor, Dean’s List; Rachel Weigel, Dean’s List; Briella Wempner, President’s List; Andrew Wilson, Dean’s List; Chase Witiak, President’s List; Cora Wyse, Dean’s List; Jacob Ziegler, Dean’s List; Modeste Zinzindohoue, Dean’s List
Brownsdale: Hannah Andersen, President’s List; Joah Parks, President’s List; Roque Vargas, Dean’s List
Dexter: Olivia Felten, Dean’s List; Jade Shulze, Dean’s List
Elkton: Aleia Hatfield, Dean’s List; Haley Whipple, Dean’s List
Grand Meadow: Drew Copley, Dean’s List; Jenelle Lovejoy, Dean’s List; Natalie Zettles, Dean’s List
Lansing: Mariah Menchaca, President’s List
LeRoy: Justin Arndorfer, President’s List; Brittany Maas, President’s List; Matthew Price, President’s List; Matthew Scaglione, President’s List; Libby Zafft, President’s List; Nicholas Kasel, Dean’s List;Sean Lohuis, Dean’s List
Lyle: Olivia Christianson, Dean’s List; Cole Earl, Dean’s List; Kendra Emanuel, Dean’s List; Kayla Johnson, Dean’s List; Eliseo Melendrez, Dean’s List
Mapleview: Andrew Woodfin, Dean’s List
Racine: Montana Bakken, Dean’s List; Kylie Kiefer, Dean’s List; Amanda Meyer, Dean’s List
Rose Creek: Emily Bhend, Dean’s List; Christian Hjelmen, Dean’s List; Camryn Reuter, Dean’s List; Simon Smith, Dean’s List; McKayla Swenson, Dean’s List
Sargeant: Isaac Wangen, President’s List
Taopi: Abigail Kiefer, Dean’s List
Waltham: Chloe Emberson, Dean’s List; Laura Sorensen, Dean’s List
The University of Wisconsin-Platteville Fall 2019 Dean’s List
Rose Creek: Ashlyn Reuter, Elementary Education
Iowa Lakes Community College Fall 2019 Dean’s List
Austin: Lonyjera Okal