Turn to the newspaper for information during pandemic
Published 7:01 am Thursday, March 19, 2020
In the midst of a significant public health crisis that is changing daily life for almost every American, it is important to know some things aren’t changing.
And one thing that won’t change is that we will continue to publish the Austin Daily Herald and update our website, www.austindailyherald.com, throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
For 129 years, the Austin Daily Herald has published news and information for all of Austin, and we don’t anticipate that changing anytime soon.
At this point, our doors are currently locked, but we are still open. If you need something or wish to drop off a payment, just give the door a knock and we will serve you with whatever you may need. Our hours remain 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday and 8 a.m. to noon on Friday.
We ask that you stay home if sick and instead call if you need to get ahold of one of our staff.
Though we are still conducting all of the business of the newspaper, our reporters, who are typically out and about covering multiple events and meetings and conducting multiple interviews per day, may have to make more interviews by phone.
When we must be on location to effectively cover a story, we will keep a respectful distance, decline to shake hands and take other measures as necessary.
The same is true for our advertising representatives, who still want to get the word out about your businesses and how things might look differently for your customers in the coming weeks.
As always, you can reach us through the following methods:
• For the newsroom, email Managing Editor Eric Johnson at eric.johnson@austindailyherald.com or call 507-434-2237.
• For retail advertising, email Advertising Director Heather Ryks at heather.ryks@austindailyherald.com or call 507-434-2225.
• For classified advertising, email Heather Biwer at heather.biwer@austindailyherald.com or call 507-434-2222.
• For circulation, email Melissa Goodwin at Melissa.goodwin@albertleatribune.com or call 507-379-3421.
• For billing, email Lisa Foley at lisa.foley@albertleatribune.com or call 507-379-3424.
During this threat of COVID-19, all stories related to public safety will be in front of our paywall and will be free to anyone to access without a subscription.
As we move forward, we recognize that positive things are still happening. We are hearing of people doing great things and helping where they can. Please let us know about those stories, as we feel this information is more important than ever to share with all of you.
We appreciate all of our loyal readers who are walking with us through these unprecedented times, and we look forward to emerging on the other end of this crisis a stronger newspaper and stronger community.