American flags are stacked awating retirment Thursday afternoon behind the Austin VFW Post 1216. Eric Johnson/
Liam Bryan, of Cub Scout Pack 113 presents a flag for retirement Thursday afternoon behind the Austin VFW Post 1216. Eric Johnson/
In an annual tradition on Veterans Day, a flag retirement ceremony was held behind the Austin VFW Post 1216 Thursday afternoon. Eric Johnson/
Rollie Hanson unveils a flag before committing it to the fire during a retirement ceremony behind the Austin VFW Post 1216 Thursday afternoon. Eric Johnson/
Rollie Hanson kneels down to take flags from youngsters as they bring up flags for retirement behind the Austin VFW Post 1216 Thursday afternoon Eric Johnson/
Gemma Mallizzo offers up an American flag for retirement behind VFW Post 1216 Thurdsay afternoon. Eric Johnson/