Packers settle for a tie to snap a three game skid in home opener against Faribault

Published 9:28 pm Tuesday, September 12, 2023

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The Packer boys soccer team didn’t score a goal or a win against Faribault, but it did snap a three-game losing skid when it tied with Faribault (1-3-1 overall) 0-0 in their home opener in Art Hass Stadium Tuesday.

Sophomore keeper Kyler Flanders had nine saves to score his first career shutout for Austin and senior defenders Collin Berg and Nick Asmus both helped protect the net.

“Throughout the year, we’ve been trying new things and it really wasn’t working,” Berg said. “We went back to how we normally play tonight and I think it worked a lot better.”

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The Packers (1-3-1 overall) have scored just three goals in their first five games of the season and they were outscored 13-2 during their recent three-game losing streak.

“We had some pretty strong competition in the last couple of games, but when you look at the number of goals we gave up, we had to fix that,” Levisen said. “We’re definitely pleased with what we did tonight. They were very much on our end making things happen and our defense stepped up and shut them down.”

The Packers were glad to control the pace on defense, but they couldn’t cash in on any of their nine shot attempts. Austin had a chance to take the lead when Leo Hernandez had a 30-yard goal kick deflected with 1:30 left, but that was their last chance.

“We have to possess the ball, find passes and communicate (to get the offense going),” Asmus said.

The Packers aren’t about to be fazed by a slow start to the season as the team rallied to a state berth after starting slow last season.

“I think with some of these guys going through last season the way it was, they’ve developed some resiliency,” Levisen said. “They don’t panic. We’re moving in the right direction.”