Published 10:06 am Monday, December 11, 2023



Public notice is hereby given that online electronic proposals will be received by the City of Austin, until 10:00 a.m. on the 9th day of January, 2024 for furnishing materials and labor for construction of Austin-Driesner Park Siphon as described in plans and specifications thereof now on file in the office of the City Engineer. Proposals will be opened electronically at 10:00 a.m. The bids will then be tabulated and presented to the City Council.
The extent of the work involved is furnishing all labor and materials for construction of the Austin-Driesner Park Siphon together with related subsidiary and incidental work including:
The project consists of:
35, 21” PVC, SDR 26 Sanitary Sewer
199 Feet, 30” PVC, SDR 26 Sanitary Sewer
3 Each, Sanitary Sewer Manhole Type 3
1 Lump Sum, Sanitary Sewer Siphon
2 Each, Sanitary Sewer Siphon Structures
The method of construction shall be by Contract and all work is to be done in strict compliance with plans and specifications prepared by WHKS & Co., 2905 South Broadway, Rochester, Minnesota 55904 which have heretofore been approved by the City Engineer and are now on file for public examination in his/her office.
The contract documents are available at This contract is QuestCDN project number eBidDoc 8813287. A Contractor may view the contract documents at no cost prior to deciding to become a Planholder. To be considered a Planholder for bids, a Contractor must register with and purchase the contract documents in digital form at a cost of $45.00. Registering as a Planholder is recommended for all prime Contractors and subcontractors as Planholders will receive automatic notice of addenda and other contract document updates via QuestCDN. Contact QuestCDN Customer Support at 952-233-1632 or for assistance in membership registration, downloading digital project information and vBid online bid submittal questions. For this project, bids will ONLY be received and accepted via the online electronic bid service through To access the electronic bid form, download the project documents and click on the online bid button at the top of the bid advertisement page. Prospective bidders must be on the Planholder list through QuestCDN for bids to be accepted.
Each bid must be accompanied by an electronic copy of a certified check, cashier’s check or bid bond payable to the City of Austin, Minnesota in the amount of at least 5% of the total bid as a guarantee that the bidder will furnish the required bonds and enter into a contract within ten (10) working days, excluding Saturday, Sunday and holidays, after the award of the contract. This electronic copy will be facilitated through the Quest CDN electronic bid service. The apparent low bidder will be required to submit a hard copy of the certified check, cashier’s check or bid bond within three (3) days of the bid opening.
Bidders shall not be permitted to withdraw their bids for a period of sixty (60) days after the same are opened.
Plans and specifications governing the construction of the proposed improvements have been prepared by WHKS & Co., Engineers, Planners, and Surveyors, Rochester, Minnesota, which plans and specifications and prior proceedings of the City Council referring to and defining said proposed improvements are hereby made a part of this notice and the proposed contract by reference, and the proposed contract shall be executed in compliance therewith.
Copies of said plans and specifications are now on file in the office of the City Engineer, 500 4th Avenue NE, Austin, MN, for examination by bidders. Bid forms, plans and specifications are available to download at, as stated above.
The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive technicalities and irregularities or to accept the bid deemed to be in the best interest of the City.
/s/Tom Dankert
Tom Dankert, City Recorder
City of Austin, Minnesota

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Dec. 9 and 16, 2023