Jamey Helgeson: Navigating challenges together — LIFE Mower County advocates for families

Published 5:34 pm Tuesday, May 21, 2024

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In Mower County, families facing the journey of raising a child with special needs find a supportive ally in LIFE Mower County. LIFE serves as a beacon of hope and practical assistance, offering vital resources and support networks tailored to each stage of life for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD).

For families of infants and toddlers, receiving a diagnosis of special needs can be overwhelming. LIFE Mower County steps in to provide crucial connections to community resources and support groups. By linking families with others who share similar experiences and offering compassionate listening from staff members who often have personal ties to disabilities, LIFE Mower County helps ease the initial shock and confusion.

As children with I/DD transition into school age, parents focus on ensuring their education is of the highest quality while nurturing their independence and social skills. LIFE not only supports educational needs but also facilitates connections between families navigating similar paths. This camaraderie plays a crucial role in sharing insights and emotional support.

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The transition to adolescence and young adulthood brings new challenges for families as they prepare for their loved ones’ futures beyond school. LIFE Mower County guides families through this pivotal period, offering information on post-high school options, employment opportunities, housing choices, and recreational activities. Their expertise in navigating service systems ensures that families receive the necessary support for their young adults with disabilities.

For adults with I/DD, LIFE Mower County continues to be a steadfast advocate. Recognizing their desires for independence, meaningful work, and community engagement, the organization helps individuals access necessary services and supports. They also assist families in planning for the future, ensuring continuity of care and support beyond the parents’ lifetime.

LIFE Mower County is the hub of information regarding local resources and support, emphasizes their commitment to being a comprehensive resource center for families in the region. Whether through one-on-one consultations, workshops, or advocacy services, LIFE Mower County remains dedicated to empowering families at every stage of their journey with I/DD.

When you contact our office, our first priority will be learning more about your needs, assures LIFE Mower County. Their personalized approach ensures that each family receives tailored support and guidance. Should our services not fully meet a family’s needs, we are committed to directing them to other suitable agencies, ensuring that no family feels alone or without assistance.

In a community where navigating the complexities of disability services can be daunting, LIFE Mower County stands as a beacon of support and understanding. They embody the spirit of advocacy, empowering families to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and hope.

For more information or to seek support, families are encouraged to contact LIFE Mower County at 507-433-8994, info@lifemowercounty.org, or www.lifemowercounty.org.

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