Meadow Greens Ramsey Ladies Golf Club plays 2-Lady Best Ball

Published 8:18 pm Wednesday, May 29, 2024

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The Meadow Greens Ramsey Ladies Golf Club competed in a game of 2-Lady Best Ball on Wednesday. Players were randomly paired up and then hit the course. Members played their own ball, took their handicap off each hole, and took the lowest of the two scores for their team score.

Winners on the front nine were Ardie Pepper and Linda Youngmark with a net score of 31, and Dianne Barrett and Joy Blaser with a score of 33. On the back nine with a net score of 32, Sheila Cotter and Lisa Place took a win, and Barb Ruhter and Chris Swatfager won with a score of 33.

Chip-ins were made by Sheila Cotter on hole No. 2, Mary Jo Swoboda on hole No. 2, and Ardie Pepper on hole No. 14. A birdie was made by Patty Shatek on hole No. 4.

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