MnDOT encourages schools, communities to join Bike to School Day

Published 5:47 pm Friday, May 3, 2024

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Thousands of Minnesota students are gearing up to for Bike to School Day on Wednesday, May 8, and the Minnesota Department of Transportation encourages more schools to get involved.

More than 150 Minnesota schools have signed up to participate. Bike to School Day is a healthy way to promote safe biking and walking activities in an academic setting. Each year this event is sponsored by MnDOT and Minnesota Safe Routes to School.

There are a variety of ways that students and families can join in the fun. They can bike or walk to school directly from home, join a “walking school bus” a few blocks from school, or have their parents drop them off a few blocks away so they can get the experience of pedaling to school with their friends.

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It all counts – studies have shown that physical activity can lead to improved physical health, mental health and academic performance in children.

“We know students do better in school when they add physical activities to their day,” said Kelly Corbin, MnDOT Safe Routes to School coordinator. “This event promotes safety skills that students can use throughout their lives.”

Schools can still register events. More information is available at