Meadow Greens-Ramsey Ladies Golf Club plays Low-Gross, Low-Net

Published 4:36 pm Wednesday, June 26, 2024

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Play-of-the-Day on Wednesday for the Meadow Greens – Ramsey Ladies Golf Club was a basic round of Low-Gross, Low-Net. Members subtracted half of their handicap off the front nine, and the other half off the back for nets scores. Players are only eligible for one win per week.

On the front nine, Low-Gross winners were Karen Baier shooting a 40, and Chris Swatfager with a 47. Low-Net winners were Sandy May with a 34, and Joy Blaser with a 37. Back nine Low-Gross winners were Patty Shatek with a 50, and Joyce Anderson with a 54. Ardie Pepper and Nancy Wesely were the Low-Net winners with 37’s. 

Birdies were made by Karen Baier on holes No. 4 and No. 8, and Chris Swatfager on hole No. 14. Chip-ins were made by Sandy May on hole No. 1, Judy McGuire on hole No.  3, and Karen Baier on hole No. 13.

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