Letter to the Editor: Thanks for Biden

Published 5:38 pm Tuesday, July 23, 2024

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Dear President Joe Biden,

Thank you for being a true patriot who always put country over self.

Thank you for appointing people in positions of honest governing for the 99% of us instead of wanting “yes” men/women who cared only for the 1%. The old trickle down theory that didn’t work in the 1980s nor will  the GOP contenders’ idea of “take from the poor and give to the rich” work. And yet his followers believe he is there for them?  There is absolutely no truth to that at all.

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Thank you for your undying strength of spirit so requesting more Secret Service agents instead of what was verbally being flung back at you; childish name calling. Thank you for being an adult.

Thank you for addressing policies instead of again, childish lies and verbal assaults. Thank you for not being a felon and not having a record of being twice impeached or once, for that matter.

Thank you for standing up to corporate greed. For getting us out of the Covid death spiral you inherited.

Thank you for listening to facts and science and for all you and all the other democratic governing agents have done for the planet. Still a lot to do, but I know you will keep at it.

Thank you for believing in the constitution and the law of the land.

Thank you for keeping Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. How anyone could go against those assurances is beyond me!

Thank you for knowing the truth from lies. Your predecessor spewed out over 30,000 in four years — a record of any president!

Thank you for having a good heart and a clean soul. You have every right to be so very proud of your accomplishments as a civil servant all these many decades.

Thank you for your courage.

Roberta Mistretta

Austin, MN