Meadow Greens-Ramsey Ladies hold “Mid-Summer Slump Tournament”

Published 8:40 pm Wednesday, July 17, 2024

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The Meadow Greens – Ramsey Ladies Golf Club held their “Mid-Summer Slump Tournament” on Wednesday. 

The low-gross, low-net tournament had players sharpening their individual game in preparation for next month’s Club Championship. Players subtracted their USGA handicap at the end of the round for their low-net score. 

The low-gross winner was Chris Swatfager with a score of 91, and the first low-net winner was Nancy Wesely with a 67. Second low-net went to Carmel Taylor with a 69, third low-net went to Sandy May with a 72, fourth low-net went to Linda Youngmark with a 74, fifth low-net went to Ardie Pepper with a 75, sixth low-net went to Patty Shatek with a 76 (tie broken by handicap hole), and seventh low-net went to Janice Perrigo with a 76.

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Chip-ins were made by Susan Westland on hole No. 13, Janice Perrigo on hole No. 14, and Barb Ruhter on hole No. 15. Birdies were made by Carmel Taylor on hole No. 4, Nancy Wesely on hole No. 4, and Patty Shatek on hole No. 12.