The Wide Angle: Life’s questions answered – cartoons

Published 5:45 pm Tuesday, July 23, 2024

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The other day, I read something that really makes a lot of sense. I saw it in a tweet — an X? A post? Whatever — on … X by our own Jason Baskin, but have seen variations of it in other places.

In summation— It’s been a long 10 years these last two weeks. Now you can easily adjust that in terms of time frames. A long (insert number) years these last two months, two days — last 10 years. Regardless, the sentiment remains the same — we’re all getting a little tired of year-defining news being crammed together like this.

It used to be that I would come into the office, whether here or in Huron, and the day would be filled with light-hearted and rather mundane job requirements. Now, I have to come into the office, braced for whatever tops the news from the day before.

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It can be a trying and anxiety-ridden way to go through life and so, I have come up with a few ideas to distract you from whatever could potentially end the world tomorrow.

Cook something

Cook something, anything, everything. Set yourself up in the kitchen or at the grill and decide to cook something. The act of throwing things together to make a meal can be a great way to forget about everything else. Even if it comes out bad, you’ve at least forgotten worries of the world at large. Even if you completely botch what you’re cooking, your ahead of the game because now you have even more reason to be distracted. Somebody has to tell firefighters where the flaming ramen is.


Granted, this might be a little counterintuitive. The whole point of this is to stop thinking, but hear me out. Grab a beverage of choice, sit on the front step or in the backyard and engage your more philosophical nature. Let your mind drift on such heady questions like: Where did I come from? Where do we go? If I do stick my left leg in and shake it all about … is it really what it’s all about?

Take a walk

Taking a walk is a fantastic way to clear the mind. You’re out in the world, involved in its wonder and splendor and enjoying a mild sunny day when it’s not melting your face off. Observing the environment as you walk takes you away from the running word-scroll of doom that 24-news cycles engage in. And if you’re really lucky, a walk down by Mill Pond can allow for exercise as you run for life from enraged geese.

Take a drive

Head out into the country, roll down the windows and blast your favorite music. This is something I used to do all the time back home and into South Dakota and from time to time will take the long way home when heading back to Austin. The great thing is — nobody will ever know about your passion for Taylor Swift music.

Watch cartoons.

Yes! Indulge, take in some Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck or really anything that takes you back to simpler times. There’s no explanation needed here. A half hour of pure, comical lunacy is just what the doctor ordered and let’s face it … it’s not that far from our real lives these days.

Take in a concert

Music can take us all so far away from the common mundane irritants that drive us crazy these days. I’ve always enjoyed taking in a really good show where your concentration is the music and the show. Nothing else. Just music.


I hope I have helped you find some things to do to occupy your time during these days of shenanigans. If nothing else, you’ve just spent about 10 minutes trying to figure out what I’m talking about so at least I’ve done my part.