Thumbs up, Thumbs down

Published 5:34 pm Friday, July 26, 2024

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Thumbs up to new app. The announcement earlier this week that Palmer Bus and Austin Public Schools was releasing a new app that helps parents and guardians track children on their buses is a fantastic idea and is just another step in keeping children safe. It’s  not uncommon each year  for a child to get on the wrong bus or get off the bus at the wrong stop. This app should help with that.

Thumbs up to volleyball hire. Nichelle Guillaume, the former stand-out setting for the Austin Packers volleyball team, is back in Packer Gym this time as a coach. It represents a one-of-a-kind connection that should help the program. A familiar face around this area, having Guillaume on the bench not only adds a talented mind for volleyball, but a relatable presence not just for the players, but for those who remember watching her when she was playing.

Thumbs down to the start of the Olympics. The four-year event can’t catch a break. A soccer match that got out of control, dreary weather and now a coordinated attack on rail lines that is having an effect on the fan experience. The Olympics are supposed to be a unifying force for the world, but so far it’s showing that it’s anything but. Let’s hope the competition brings back that unification.

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Thumbs up to continued EAB work. Being able to see first hand how ash trees are being treated in Austin under the threat of the emerald ash borer presence is a key step in the general public being involved in the efforts. It was also a window into the process and where the city is at up to this point. Austin has prided itself on its dedication to the tree and providing a green canopy. Let’s hope it continues forward.