Letter to the Editor: The Mayor’s budget is out of control

Published 5:17 pm Friday, August 16, 2024

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On Thursday, August 15th, two days after the primary elections, Mayor King sent his proposed budget for 2025 to members of your Austin City Council.  The proposed budget includes a nearly 14% tax increase for homeowners and businesses in the City of Austin.  I find this budget proposal offensive and out of touch. I find the timing of the budget release equally offensive.

Your property taxes continue to grow at an alarming rate.  In 2018 the property tax levy was $5.9 million.  Steve King’s budget has that levy at $10 million in 2025!  That growth in taxing and spending is unsustainable.  Don’t get me wrong. Things are more expensive than they were 7 years ago.  I want to make sure that our public safety folks have the resources they need. I want to make sure that our City has dependable infrastructure.  I want to make sure that we have plenty of recreation options.  I just want to slow down the growth rate in taxation and spending.

The process of approving the 2025 budget is just beginning.  I would encourage you to reach out to members of the City Council and help us reign in spending and taxes in the City of Austin.  I would also encourage you to come to City Council meetings in August and September and make your voices heard.  It is, after all, your money.

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Geoff Baker

Austin City Council

– First Ward