Our opinion: Citizens should be a part of the levy conversation

Published 5:38 pm Tuesday, August 20, 2024

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On Monday night, the Austin City Council began really digging into this year’s tax levy and budget and to be frank, they have a hard road ahead of them.

Currently, the budget proposal brought to council by Mayor Steve King represents a 13.85% tax levy increase and a budget of $9.9 million, and for many on the council that is just an unsustainable number.

Others are comfortable with it, but would like to work to try and get lower and still others feel that to keep the government running as it is now that there is no choice but to go ahead with the increase.

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For the next couple weeks, council members will begin digging into the budget to find a way to come together on something agreeable and that will not be easy. They will make the best decision they can in a way that they feel speaks for the constituents they serve.

That immediately gives you, the taxpayer, a stake in this. While ultimately, it will be the council that makes the final decisions, the taxpayers will have to pay that increase in taxes — whatever it may be.

We’re not using this platform to tell you which way you should lean. We are urging you that as a stakeholder you talk with your city council representative. Let them know of your concerns or your support and offer suggestions on which direction you think the city should go over the next year.

This is true of the Mower County Board of Commissioners and the Austin Public Schools Board, as well. This is your money that is paying into these institutions and you have the right, the responsibility, to be a part of this conversation.

This is part of the democratic process, albeit perhaps the side we don’t spend so much of our attention on. But it’s just as important all the same.

To contact your city representative, visit: https://www.ci.austin.mn.us/city-council.

That number — 13.85% — is indeed high and is a jump from the 5.66% tax levy increase last year. In some ways, the city is like every one of us. We all have our own challenges with our own budgets, but just like with your own budget, you have a say in how local government uses yours.

Take the time and reach out and make sure you are heard.