RCC student Akoua Gnimavo awarded Coca-Cola Leaders of Promise Scholarship

Published 5:39 pm Friday, August 16, 2024

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Riverland Community College is proud to announce that  Akoua Gnimavo, a dedicated and high-achieving student, has been selected as a recipient of the prestigious Coca-Cola  Leaders of Promise Scholarship for 2024.

Gnimavo will receive a $1,000 scholarship in recognition of outstanding academic achievement and demonstrated leadership potential. The Coca-Cola Leaders of Promise Scholarship, sponsored by the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation, is awarded to 200 members of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society (PTK) each   year.

This year, a panel of independent judges selected the scholars from nearly 1,500 applicants.

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The scholarship program, launched in 2001, aims to assist new PTK members   in obtaining an associate degree while encouraging active participation in society programs.

Gnimavo’s selection as a Coca-Cola Leaders of Promise Scholar highlights the student’s  academic excellence and leadership within the Riverland community.

The scholarship will help  defray educational expenses, allowing Gnimavo to focus on continued success in their academic  journey.

“We are incredibly proud of Akoua for receiving this national recognition,” said Kenneth Reid,  Vice President of Strategic Enrollment and Equity at Riverland Community College. “This  scholarship is a testament to Akoua’s dedication, hard work, and leadership potential. We look  forward to seeing all that she accomplishes in the future.”

The Coca-Cola Leaders of Promise Scholarship program also offers additional scholarships  earmarked for active members of the military, veterans, and international students through the  Global Leaders of Promise program.