Thumbs up, Thumbs down

Published 5:24 pm Friday, August 23, 2024

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Thumbs up for process. The University of Minnesota’s Future of Advanced Agriculture Research in Minnesota (FAARM) planned for Mower County is a mammoth undertaking filled with opportunity, but an important part of that process is working with those that FAARM would be neighbors with. Thursday night’s listening session was an important step in making sure every voice is heard, whether that’s one of support, interest and criticism. It’s commendable that the U is willing to take that extra step to be good neighbors.

Thumbs up for 10 years of arts. It was so exciting to see all the people that came down Wednesday to the ArtWorks Center’s celebration for 10 years. It took a lot of work to establish the arts into one location in downtown Austin and the community and area is seeing positive results through an embracing of the arts in the community. Here’s to 10 more years.

Thumbs up to veteran opportunities. News on Wednesday that the North Star Honor Flight in Adams has been added to the national network of Honor Flight opportunities is thrilling for all those who stand behind our veterans. Making sure they have the opportunity to visit the important memorials attributed to the sacrifices made by so many is just another fantastic way to honor the veterans with us still today.

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Thumbs up for outstanding youth. We are often reminded how remarkable youth can be to their families and their communities and Southland student Erika Hollerud is just another example of that. Demonstrating ambition and friendliness, Hollerud is only a standout in the world of rodeo, but she’s proving to be a role model for those younger than her.

Thumbs down to lack of civility. The extreme polarization in politics is to a point where civility often times is an afterthought, but never so much as the online attacks leveled against Gov. Tim Walz’s son Gus Walz, who is neurodivergent with ADHD, anxiety and a nonverbal learning disorder. He was the target of many on the right who decided to attack a son celebrating his father. This is a moment where we all must consider our path forward. We all need to be better — right, left, center. Division will continue, but we have to realize that there needs to be a line. Be better America. Be better.