The Wide Angle: I give you mental meanderings

Published 5:34 pm Tuesday, September 24, 2024

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I honestly had a column idea for this week. Thought of it over the weekend as I was doing laundry, an activity that almost welcomes active thinking over top of the mundane nature of fighting with fitted sheets.

At the same time, there is a lesson to be learned about writing things down, because once I got to Monday, I completely forgot what it was I was going to write about. It could be argued, I suppose, that if I couldn’t remember what it was that I was going to write about then it must not have been that important.

In the end I probably saved you a solid 15 minutes of time spent reading whatever gibberish I was going to bring to bear.

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So I guess a “thank you Eric” is in order.

In the gap left by my mental meanderings I give you another episode of …er, mental meanderings.

Championship Vikings

The Vikings are going to win the Super Bowl. A bold prediction, I know, but wanna know why I know? Of course you do. It’s not because we’re 3-0 (I say “we’re” because of the winning record. If it were 0-3 it’s “they.” I’ve made no secret of my bandwagon jumping). It helps, but it’s a long season and things happen. Rather I say this because how can you not win when we have somebody named Van Ginkel playing for us.

Low bar Twins

….. Oh, you thought I would say something? No, that’s it. Low bar Twins.



I’ve got a site I go to that will often tell me after a few months that it’s time to change my password. In the history of computers, passwords have been a never ending source of irritation to me, especially now that most all of us on a daily basis are forced to remember passwords for so many sites.

Now I have to come up with a password that has a certain number of letters, numbers, symbols, Egyptian hieroglyphics, star maps and at least one saltine cracker. It’s stupid, because I already use a saltine cracker for another site.

Good place

for bad ideas

As part of my exhaustive hunt for column ideas this week, I started paging through X (Twitter) to see what I can find.

I found lots of stuff, including lots of reasons to avoid social media when at all possible. Did I find things to write about? Sure. Are they all pointless?

Let’s put it this way … suddenly this column resembles something akin to Kafka. Makes me long for the days where you could hang out with Tom on Myspace.

Going to go

back in time

This past weekend, we took our second trip to the Renaissance Festival in Shakopee, an annual tradition that quickly drains our collective bank account.

And that’s just the food.

Every year, we dress up in our costumes and stroll about the lay-out of one of the biggest festivals in the United States. It’s prime people watching and sometimes you get a random person stopping you to ask if they can take your picture.

It’s kind of problematic though, because it tests the depths of maturity. While many wrestle with buying a top-end phone or some other piece of expensive electronics, we go over the ins and outs of affording a sword with an actual edge on it — as if sometime we end up going to Rochester and suddenly have to fend off the Saxon invasion of England.

I guess it is an election year so anything can happen.