Thumbs up, thumbs down

Published 8:25 pm Friday, September 13, 2024

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Thumbs up for a Main Street party. By all accounts, Thursday’s concert, presented by Hormel Foods in downtown Austin was a hit, bringing together good music, great food and awesome people. These kinds of events serve as evidence of the kind of party this town can throw.

Thumbs up for remembrance. On Wednesday, our area and the entire nation took time to remember the horrific events of 9/11 and once again pledge to never forget. From Pacelli Catholic Schools’ program Wednesday afternoon to Dexter firefighter Erick Padilla’s own efforts, that vow to never forget has been firmly carved in stone.

Thumbs up for Welcoming Week. There is a wide selection of events to visit heading into next week involving Welcoming Week in Austin and we hope you’ll take the time to check out a few of them. This is an important week because it celebrates our diversity and inclusion efforts, which make Austin as strong as it is.

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Thumbs up to 100 years of the VFW. This weekend, the Austin VFW Post 1216 is celebrating its 100th year. For anything still in action today, 100 years is a special achievement. Not only does the VFW support our veterans, but it also supports and gives back to the community, making it an incredibly important institution. If you’re looking for something to do this weekend, then starting at 4:30 p.m. tonight there will be live music at the VFW and then on Sunday there will be family activities to take part in.