United Way launches annual fundraising campaign

Published 5:44 pm Friday, September 20, 2024

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The United Way of Mower County has launched its 2024 annual fundraising  campaign, with a goal of $1,275,000.

This year’s theme, “Leading the Way,” invites the community to step forward and take the lead in creating lasting, positive change for all.

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“Leading the Way” is a call to action for every individual in Mower  County to play an active role in building a stronger, healthier, and more resilient community.  It  speaks to the power of leadership, not just in the traditional sense, but in the everyday actions that  makes Mower County a better place to live.

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When people lead, they are ensuring children receive the quality education they deserve and pathways to financial stability for families are created. Health and well-being is also created for our neighbors.

This campaign is about empowering people to lead, contributing to a  collective effort that will benefit everyone in Mower County.

But leadership isn’t just about taking action — it’s about inspiring others to do the same.

Involvement, whether through volunteering, donating, or advocating, can inspire others to join in creating a ripple effect of positive change, making an impact that will be felt for  generations.

Learn more about how you can get involved at  www.uwmower.org/campaign.