Victims asked to identify their property

Published 12:00 am Thursday, March 28, 2002

Two Austin men are being held in the Mower County Jail after officers found items stolen from vehicles at their home.

Thursday, March 28, 2002

Two Austin men are being held in the Mower County Jail after officers found items stolen from vehicles at their home.

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According to Austin Police Chief Paul Philipp, search warrants were executed because "we had reason to believe these men were involved with the exchange of stolen items from vehicles for drugs."

When officers searched the men’s home in the 800 block of Third Street SW, they found 14 car stereos, 12 cellular phones, 16 sub woofer enclosures, four single-cell woofers, six car audio amplifiers and other items.

Philpp says that because so many car burglaries have been reported in Austin, the Police Department is asking people who had items stolen, to come to the Law Enforcement Center to view the materials to see if they can identify the items as their own.

The case is being referred to the county attorney, but Philipp says the men will be charged with possession of stolen property and "it is reasonable to believe there will be other charges against them."

Call Amanda L. Rohde at 434-2214 or e-mail her at