Prioritize city’s needs

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 27, 2002

There can be few Americans or, for that matter, people in the world who aren’t aware of the contribution of the New York City firefighters in helping remove workers from the World Trade Center.

Wednesday, March 27, 2002

There can be few Americans or, for that matter, people in the world who aren’t aware of the contribution of the New York City firefighters in helping remove workers from the World Trade Center.

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With the deaths of more than 300 emergency workers, it proved the need for an adequate contingency of trained firefighters – those who aren’t afraid to put their lives on the line whether they are volunteer, full or part time workers.

The Austin City Council should prioritize the need for a sufficient number of firefighters to meet the city’s need. Next time there is a request for additional firefighters, don’t let the decision of hiring that man or woman rest on whether or not the city will have a reduction in state aid.

The city has gone ahead with other plans such as the arena and its monetary contribution to it. Now, council members must make sure that security of our city is on top of the priority list.

While the memory is still fresh in our minds – the sacrifice of the men and women of 9/11, the city must make sure that we can meet the demand for trained firefighters, daily, and in case of a tragedy.

The council should approve the hiring of Tim Hansen and make filling positions a priority – one that doesn’t rest on state aid.