The attempt to swing the unswayed
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 25, 2000
USA Today, on swing voters unswayed:.
Wednesday, October 25, 2000
USA Today, on swing voters unswayed:
With the presidential debates complete, Al Gore and George W. Bush plunge into the last days of the presidential campaign today still struggling to convince critical swing voters that they embody both characteristics the public wants in its presidents: competence and likability. …
Rather than deciding the race, the debates seemed to exacerbate nagging doubts about each man’s vulnerabilities.
The Texas governor proved he could stand on the same stage as Gore. But he displayed troubling holes in his knowledge of U.S. commitments abroad and fumbled notably in responding to attacks on his record in Texas.
The vice president raised renewed questions about a revolving-door public image by coming off as imperious and condescending at the first debate, then timidly failing to take advantage of openings in the second. And he provided GOP spinmeisters with new grist to needle him about careless storytelling. …
With time running out, this election is likely to come down to the gut feelings of voters who aren’t entirely comfortable with their choice. If so, the question is which candidate can appear more presidential, a trait that both men so far find elusive.
– USA Today