Lyle’s Independence Day celebration truly patriotic

Published 12:00 am Thursday, June 29, 2000

LYLE – Visitors to the year 2000 Lyle Independence Day celebration will feel comfortable.

Thursday, June 29, 2000

LYLE – Visitors to the year 2000 Lyle Independence Day celebration will feel comfortable.

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It’s like eating at a McDonald’s restaurant anywhere in America, where the same colors, same aromas and same staples greet visitors.

For decades, Lyle has put Independence Day first in its July 4 celebration. It is filled with patriotism, civic pride, joy and excitement.

All of the events take place Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday before July 4.

The summertime fun begins with a dance to the music of High Adventure at the South End bar Friday night.

The Saturday schedule starts with a tractor pull at 10 a.m. The classic car show and cruise also begins at 10 a.m., and a cook out at the South End bar starts serving at 11 a.m.

American Legion Post No. 105 hosts a horse show tournament, beginning at 2 p.m. and a chicken fry at 4 p.m.

Throughout the day, the Copper Kettle will be serving a burgers and fries special that is a favorite to all.

Saturday’s schedule concludes with a street dance to the music of Blue Light Boogie.

On Sunday, there will be an ecumenical worship service in Lyle City Park at 11 a.m.

A tractor and machinery show will be held all-day Sunday and the American Legion Post will be serving burgers from the grill.

The parade begins at 1 p.m. Sunday and it’s a good one with more than 150 units traveling through the residential neighborhoods and Lyle’s main street: U.S. Highway 218.

A flag presentation will be made in Lyle City Park at 2 p.m., following the parade when kids’ games and a children’s pedal tractor pull gets underway.

Local teams will square-off for a water fight in front of the Lyle Fire Station at 3 p.m. followed by an amateur talent show at 3:30 p.m. in Lyle City Park.

The Copper Kettle will welcome visitors to their crafts sale and air-conditioned restaurant facilities.

When dusk arrives, the annual fireworks display will blast-off over Lyle with the Lyle Volunteer Fire Department lighting the fuses.

The Monday schedule includes a street dance, beginning at 8 p.m. at the American Legion Post with Brandon Sampson and the Six Mile Grove Band providing the music.

Gary Ziegler and friends will entertain tractor and truck pull fans Saturday.

Admission is free to the activities, beginning at 10 a.m. and ample seating plus restrooms will be available.

Light class tractors must weigh in at 9 a.m. Saturday with trucks at 11 a.m.

The scale is on the site along U.S. Highway 218 and the fee is $12 per hookup.

New this year is the addition of a pulling sled. That makes two, so pullers are advised to be on time when called.

There will be first, second and third place trophies for the winners.

Among the rules for tractors are 4,250, 4,500, 5,500 and 6,500 class first gear only and 10 percent over stock RPMs

Wheelie bars are recommended and tire size must be stock.

Call 507-325-4584 for more information.

For tractors of 7,500, 8,500 and 9,500 pounds, first and second gears only are allowed in the classes as well as only 10 percent over stock RPMs. Wheelie bars are recommended and tire size must be stock.

For more information, call 507-325-2525

Open class tractors, ranging from 4,000 to 10,500 pounds must have wheelie bars and kill switches. Call 507-433-0073 for more information.

In the "King of the Fields" division for 22,500 pound models, dualies and front wheel drive are allowed. Call 433-8037 for more information.

The "Out of Field" class tractors must be 12,500, 15,000 and 17,500 pounds with no dualies or chains. Call 433-8037 for more information.

For truck pullers, there is a farm class, half-ton only to 5,500 pounds, farm class, 5,700 to 6,700 pounds and hobby class, 6,700 pounds with 24 inch hitch, plus the open class of 5,500 to 6,200 pounds.

For more information, call 437-4967.

The Lyle American Legion Post No. 105 and the Sons of the American Legion will be selling food on-site Saturday