Step forward to speak for Semcac, poor of county
Published 12:00 am Monday, October 4, 1999
Semcac needs someone to represent the interests of low-income residents of Mower County on its advisory board.
Monday, October 04, 1999
Semcac needs someone to represent the interests of low-income residents of Mower County on its advisory board. A position is open on this board, and it is an excellent opportunity to serve people in this community.
This is an opportunity for a man or woman to be heard and it should not go ignored.
Semcac works for everyone, who is income-eligible, and its outreach workers go to the nth degree for those people.
Whether it be the Head Start Program for preschool children or the heating assistance or any other service, Semcac does the things that other agencies can’t or won’t do.
Everyone remembers the embarrassing activities on the Semcac board earlier this year, when the chairperson and a representative from Mower County engaged in a war of words.
That’s not Semcac.
Semcac is the people in the trenches on the front lines of the battle to keep families safe and secure and together.
Now is the time and the opportunity for someone who recognizes their valuable contributions to step forward and say "I will speak for the poor in Mower County."