Man in hot water over illicit Facebook messages

Published 10:44 am Wednesday, September 22, 2010

An Iowa man who was convicted of sending illicit messages to a 7-year-old Dexter girl through Facebook admitted Wednesday in Mower County court that he violated the terms of his parole.

Nicholas James Thompson, 21, was sentenced to three years of supervised probation in Mower County in April. Thompson was convicted of one count of engaging in electronic communication relating or describing sexual conduct with a child, which is a felony.

The conditions of Thompson’s probation include attending a sex offender program. Thompson is not allowed to contact the victim or her family. He is also not allowed to access the Internet without approval, and he cannot use social networking sites.

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According to the complaint, the incident occurred Jan. 17 when the 7-year-old girl’s mother noticed the messages between her daughter and Thompson.

The mother, who said she is acquainted with Thompson, messaged him back and warned him that she was going to notify the authorities. Thompson responded, saying that somebody must have hacked into his account and sent the messages.

At first, Thompson denied sending illicit messages to the girl. However, upon further questioning, Thompson admitted to the inappropriate conversation with the 7-year-old, the complaint states. He also admitted to knowing her age.

Check Friday’s edition of the Herald for more information.

Mike Rose contributed to this report.