Minn. anti-bullying law gets low grade from feds
Published 11:38 am Wednesday, December 7, 2011
MINNEAPOLIS — Federal officials say Minnesota needs to toughen up its anti-bullying law.
A Department of Education report on 46 states with laws against bullying gives Minnesota the lowest marks for the lack of scope and definitions in its law.
The Star Tribune reports (http://bit.ly/uww4We) that Minnesota’s 37-word law is the shortest anti-bullying law in the nation. It was passed in 2006 and amended in 2008 to include cyberbullying. It requires school boards to adopt an anti- bullying policy that addresses intimidation and bullying in all forms.
The federal report comes amid a growing focus on school bullying in the wake of school violence and high-profile youth suicides.
Attorney General Lori Swanson has proposed legislation to strengthen the state law. She says Minnesota needs to set a strong tone that bullying isn’t tolerated.