Green best choice for Senate

Published 4:10 pm Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Kathy Green deserves our vote for state Senate on Nov. 2. Kathy is the best voice for common-sense leadership that solves tough problems.

Kathy is the only candidate with a proven record of reform and results. She’s been a positive community leader for nearly 30 years. She will be a strong voice for southeastern Minnesota, not the special interests in St. Paul.

Kathy’s opponent, incumbent Rep. Dan Sparks, received 84 percent of his campaign contributions from lobbyists and special interests like Minneapolis trial lawyers. These contributions come with expectation of a vote. Kathy’s campaign raised more than 80 percent of its contributions from local individuals in Mower and Freeborn counties. It’s clear which candidate will stand up to lobbyists and represent our local area.

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The incumbents have had their chance to lead, and both parties have failed. It’s time for new faces that are willing to make the tough decisions to solve the critical issues facing our state.

Kathy Green is the right woman for the job, and I urge my fellow citizens to vote for Kathy Green for state Senate.

Ron Grosland
