Austin learns from Scary Guy

Published 9:19 am Monday, December 12, 2011

The Scary Guy gives a presentation to parents, kids and school staff at Austin High School in November. - Herald file photo

The Scary Guy left something behind.

Austin elementary schools may be implementing parts of Scary’s lessons soon, according to school administrators. District officials approved materials and resources left by Scary to be used in the classroom and elementary schools received their share of Scary resources last week.

“It’s an opportunity to continue that campaign of anti-bullying,” said John Alberts, educational services director.

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Alberts said it will be up to each school’s staff to use Scary’s lessons and materials as they see fit. While the elementary schools recently received their resources, Ellis Middle School and Austin High School should receive theirs later this month.

Neveln Elementary School Principal Dewey Schara said he plans to incorporate some of Scary’s material in the character classes Neveln fourth- and fifth-graders have started taking. The classes don’t have a set schedule yet, but Schara said students will learn more lessons on broad topics like character, citizenship and respect, which reinforces what Neveln social workers and teachers are teaching.

“We approach bullying in a multi-faceted way,” Schara said.

Schara will coordinate with district staff on other ways to use Scary’s lessons and materials as schools start using Scary’s resources.

Sumner Elementary School Principal Sheila Berger said teachers and social workers there will be given the materials to use as they see fit.

Southgate and Banfield Elementary School Principals Edwina Harder and Jeff Roland were unavailable for comment.