LEETER: It’s a program for the system, not the sick

Published 7:16 am Thursday, October 8, 2009

The only reason I can think of that there isn’t more of an outcry against Obama’s health care bill is that the people aren’t aware of its frightening ramifications. Yes, of course, we need health care access for all, but this is not the right proposal for our country.

Giving the government control of our health care would add trillions of additional national debt. It would establish a cumbersome bureaucracy destined in time to fail, as it has in Europe and Canada. Recently, a top official in Canada’s Health Department admitted their program is ‘imploding.’

Obama repeatedly denies that taxpayers will pay for abortions. Yet if this would be true in practice, why would he refuse those members of Congress who requested to have specific wording in the bill regarding “no tax-payer funded abortions?”

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Citizens should realize that is in the health of the elderly that rationing will be most felt. There would be mandatory counseling to determine if you qualify for treatment. Wahington is proposing a program to serve the system, not the sick. Act now by contacting your local officials.

Kathleen Finnegan
