Hayfield girls win

Published 2:20 am Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Hayfield girls basketball team beat Lake City (0-3 overall) 53-31 on the road Friday night.

The Vikings (4-0 overall) led 23-11 at the break and they opened their lead up to 20 early in the second half.

“We have yet to play our best and we haven’t lost yet,” Hayfield head coach Fred Kindschy said. “We’re starting to click on defense right now.”

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Hayfield scoring: Alyssa Selk, 16; Molly Streightiff, 11; Dani Wagner, 9; Liz Ristau, 8; McCayla Thoe, 4; Kelsey Severson, 2; Johanna Bungum, 2; Jessica Foster, 1