Falcons top Austin girls hockey team

Published 12:35 am Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Austin girls hockey team fell to Faribault 5-2 in Riverside Arena Tuesday.

The Packers (4-7 overall, 1-6 Big Nine) caught the Falcons at a bad time as their senior center Megan Bergland, who will play Division I hockey at Vermont next season, was in her second game back after missing the first part of the season.

Bergland scored a goal to tie the game in the first and she had an assist to make it 2-1 Falcons.

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“Bergland was on fire and they’re a good team,” Austin head coach Denny Bray said. “I thought we played a great first period, but I don’t know what happened in the second period.”

Austin attempted 27 shots and Allison Hoban made 37 saves for the Packers.


Faribault 2 1 2 — 5

Austin 1 0 1 — 2

First period

(A) Kirsten Stanek (Alex Larson) 5:20

(F) Megan Bergland 6:18

(F) Shelby Salmonsen (Bergland) 10:46

Second period

(F) Bergland (Salmonsen, Kasi Petersen) 15:08

Third period

(F) Cady Walker (Salmonsen) 1:04

(F) Maiya Gare 6:45

(A) Abby Gallaher (Valorie Bates) 12:03