It isn’t simply a chore

Published 9:49 am Thursday, August 13, 2009

Alice Gallaher has lived at her home on 21st Avenue Northwest at least 50 years, and more than a couple helping hands helped beautify it Wednesday afternoon.

Eighteen Early Riser Kiwanis signed up to paint Gallaher’s house what she refers to as a “medium gray” color as part of the Mower County Seniors Inc. Chore Program.

“I’m very appreciative,” Gallaher said of the services. “My brother submitted my name.”

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Each year, the Chore Program selects at least one applicant for house-painting. The Kiwanis have painted about 19 houses since the program began, coordinator Nancy Donahue said.

“They were the first group to paint a house for me in 1989,” she said. To date, 42 homes have been completed.

Donahue said the program reviews applications, and usually takes financial situations into consideration. All applicants must be 60 or over.

This year, Mike and Mary Flaherty of Flaherty Paint donated Diamond Vogel paint for the project. Bill Klingerman and his Sentence to Serve group prepped the house the day before.

Chore also assists senior citizens with snow removal, lawn moving, housekeeping and other services. Hundreds of projects are matched up with community volunteers. Service organizations, churches and businesses are among those who donate their time to Chore.

“We are fortunate to have good community support,” Donahue said.

Chore also partners with the United Way of Mower County each year for Day of Caring. Projects and volunteers are welcomed to the event Sept. 26.

For more information about the Chore Program or Day of Caring, or to submit a homeowner’s name for house-painting, contact Nancy Donahue at the Mower County Senior Center, 433-8376.