LETTER: No town hall meetings for Walz

Published 9:53 am Thursday, August 6, 2009

When passing the largest social reform bill in 40 years, I hope my representatives are listening to their constituents and not making a personal decision. I’m greatly concerned about legislation on health care.

I called the office of Congressman Tim Walz and learned that he will not be holding town hall meetings during the August recess. Walz’s office said town hall meetings are not constructive; he is holding targeted meetings instead.

I want the opportunity to speak with Walz directly. It is easy to dismiss emails that don’t agree with his ideas. I’d like to have him address specific questions and explain why this is good for Minnesotans.

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Senator Al Franken’s office indicated he will be having town hall meetings. They are still finalizing his schedule. Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s office said she will be having some public events. Check her Web site in a week for a schedule. klobuchar.senate.gov.

Please contact Walz and ask for town hall meetings. We need to discuss health care before it becomes law. If you’d like to read the bill and develop your own questions, just Google HR3200.

Congressman Tim Walz: (507) 388-2149

Mary Lemke

Houston, Minn.