Myrtle Fire gets $5K grant

Published 5:02 am Friday, April 29, 2011

From left: Steven Kraushaar, Sean Kraushaar, Fire Chief Paul Hansen, Calvin Belshan, President of the Myrtle Fire Dept Wayne Strouf, and Fontanelle Dealer Doug Thompson. -- Photo provided

Doug Thompson recently provided a gift to his local community in an effort to give back.

Myrtle Community Fire Department is one of 53 organizations being presented with a grant from Fontanelle Hybrids Stalkholder Dealers including Thompson. The focus of these special grants is to fund projects and programs that will benefit entire communities.

Myrtle Community Fire Department received a $5,000 F.O.C.U.S. grant for new radios.

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“I was really pleased to help connect Myrtle Fire Department to the Fontanelle F.O.C.U.S. program,” Thompson said. “As part of the Fontanelle team, I’m used to working with farmers to share localized data, but this time the F.O.C.U.S. grants allowed me to share local resources to help improve my community.”

This is the first year Fontanelle Stalkholder Dealers will award grants through F.O.C.U.S. The program,

Fontanelle Offering Communities Understanding Support, was developed from the simple idea that communities have supported Fontanelle and their dealers over the years, and communities deserve something back.

“We’re a local brand. Our sales teams and Stalkholder dealers live, work, and farm in the same rural communities where we sell seed,” Steve Pike, Fontanelle General Manager, said. “When we’re not selling seed, we serve our communities in many different ways, just like our farmers do. Our local schools and organizations and FFA chapters have a tremendous need, so Fontanelle decided this year that they should help to support their dealers’ desires to make a difference in their communities. Our dealers selected the projects that they felt needed the grants because they know who is in need within their community.”