Weather brings on bike thefts

Published 9:27 am Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Austin Police Capt. Dave McKichan says Austin has reached the height of bike theft season and wants to remind owners to lock their bicycles.

McKichan said the Austin Police Department receives between two and three bike theft reports per day during the summer, most of those involving bikes that were not chained in public or properly stored at home. He added hot spots for theft seem to be the Austin Public Library and municipal pool; however, many bikes have been nabbed from yards, too.

Though police locate some of the bikes, owners are not always reunited with them. McKichan suggests a bike owner check with the police department about one week after losing a bicycle.

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Because of the sheer amount of bicycles officers collect during the summer — enough to fill a 24-by-24-foot shed — those that are not claimed are put on auc