LETTER: Another food drive coming up
Published 9:25 am Friday, April 3, 2009
A couple of months ago, the Austin Letter Carriers, along with the help of the Austin Jaycees and the Austin National Honor Society students, helped pick up 7,500 pounds of food that was then given to the Salvation Army food shelf. This was the second year that we have organized a Thanksgiving collection for the local food shelf.
Coming up on Saturday May 9, we will again work with the Austin Jaycees and the AHS National Honor Society students in the participation of the 20th annual May food drive. All residents in the City of Austin will receive a post card just prior to the food drive asking them for their assistance. This year because of the gracious help offered by the above named groups, we ask that anyone that wishes to participate, set their donation on their front step by their mailbox by 9 a.m. We then have our volunteers drive around Austin with vans, pickups and trailers to collect the items as they go. If they should happen to miss your stop your letter carrier will pick up your donation when they deliver your mail. We receive calls every year from individuals who have a sizable donation, and yes they can drop off their items on the east dock of the Austin Post Office between 4 and 5 p.m. on that same Saturday. Last year National the Letter Carriers along with other groups who assisted collected over 73 million pounds of food.
Anyone questions or concerns can contact Bob Rosel at (507) 261-6040 or myself at (507) 279-2599.
Thanks for caring and sharing.
Troy Nelson
Local food drive coordinator