LETTER: Clean Car Act would have a negative impact

Published 10:13 am Wednesday, February 18, 2009

While applauding the motivation of the backers of the proposed legislation called the “Minnesota Clean Car Act,” I’m afraid the results of such a law would have a negative impact and reverse the progress that our state has made toward cleaner burning fuels and cleaner running cars. Minnesota is a leader in the number of flexible fuel vehicles (FFVs) running on higher blends of ethanol, mandates for blending clean burning bio-fuels, and producing these fuels right here at home. If passed this bill would not only turn over decisions about Minnesota’s air quality to an 11-person board in California, but would also threaten sales of most FFVs in Minnesota. The Minnesota Corn Growers Association commissioned a technical evaluation to study the impact of this proposed legislation and here is what they found.

California vehicle emissions standards provide virtually identical emissions reductions as the federal emission standards currently enforced in Minnesota.

California vehicle standards will significantly limit the sales of flexible fuel vehicles (FFVs) in Minnesota.

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California GHG (greenhouse gas) emission standards offer little benefit compared to the federal fuel economy standards and in fact may increase emissions of greenhouse gases by the Minnesota fleet.

If Minnesota adopts California vehicle emission standards, some vehicles currently available in Minnesota will be unavailable due to sales restrictions.

You can read or download the evaluation at www.mngrownethanol.info/images/stories/1-26-09-Final-Report-with-Appendices.pdf.

Michael F. Merten

President, Mower County Corn and Soybean Growers Association