‘Speed dating’ for farmers and buyers … sort of

Published 5:36 pm Saturday, March 2, 2013

Local farmers and buyers can hook up on March 7 during a program called Minnesota Farm to Cafeteria.

The workshop is part of a statewide effort to make locally produced fruits and vegetables available in schools, childcare centers, restaurants and hospitals.

The program will be from 3 to 7 p.m. at the Ramada Inn in Rochester. A number of workshop scholarships are available to southeastern Minnesota residents from The Experiment in Rural Cooperation.

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The workshop will provide information for navigating the ins and outs of Farm to Cafeteria, such as liability and food safety. Presenters include area farmers, food service directors and food safety specialists.

The workshop will also include a farmer-buyer “speed-dating” session where farmers and institutional buyers can find their next supplier or buyer.

Registration is $20. To apply for a scholarship, contact Lois Kennis at the Experiment in Rural Cooperation, olso2074@umn.edu or 507-280-2863.