Health is about working together

Published 10:17 am Wednesday, June 12, 2013

By Dave Juhlke
Mower Refreshed Steering Committee Member and Hormel Foods Vice President of Human Resources

Your health is important to you, your family, friends and co-workers. Mower Refreshed is a collaborative movement that promotes health in the Mower County area so we can all live a healthier lifestyle.

The Mower Refreshed collaboration is a broad-based community initiative that includes many individuals, health care providers, school districts, businesses and other community organizations. It will take this broad community collaboration to achieve the Mower Refreshed vision, which is to make healthy choices easier and more accessible for every citizen. Having the support of the entire community will help the success of this initiative.

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It is exciting to see Mower Refreshed energizing the county in its wellness efforts through four areas of focus: healthier personal choices, mental fitness, workforce wellness and community connections. At Hormel Foods, we have a well-developed workplace wellness program. Our participation in this community initiative is to share our workplace wellness experience with other employers to positively impact the overall effort.

We all have an important role in achieving the goal of a healthier Mower County. I encourage everyone to embrace healthy living. If we all make even one small change in our daily routines to move toward a healthier lifestyle, the sum of all those actions will have a significant impact on the health of our community.