Bear researcher asks for time to continue work
Published 10:36 am Monday, July 22, 2013
ST. PAUL, Minn. — A black bear researcher will ask Gov. Mark Dayton for time to continue his work beyond the end of the month.
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is not renewing Lynn Rogers’ research permit which allows him to track a dozen black bears with GPS collars and place cameras in the bears’ dens. The DNR has given Rogers until July 31st to remove the tracking collars.
The agency says Rogers’ practice of feeding the bears has created a public safety risk. The DNR also says Rogers hasn’t published enough research since he was initially given the permit in 1999.
Minnesota Public Radio News ( ) says Rogers will meet with Dayton Monday and try to convince him to allow the collars to stay on the bears until an investigation into the DNR’s claims is complete.