Teach for America trainees face tough Minn. test
Published 10:39 am Friday, August 2, 2013
ST. PAUL, Minn. — Dozens of Teach for America members looking to get placed in Minnesota classrooms are facing tougher scrutiny from the state.
The Minnesota Board of Teaching decides Friday whether Teach for America trainees get a waiver from the state’s licensing requirement, and earn licenses on the job instead. It’s a variance the board has granted in previous years, but it’s taken a tougher line this year. Minnesota Public Radio News reports that the state’s largest teacher’s union is opposed to the variances (http://bit.ly/16dW0xk ).
Teach for America means to provide a path to the classroom for people with bachelor’s degrees but who don’t want to spend another year obtaining a teaching degree. Members can apply for a full Minnesota teaching license after two years of training and working in an urban school.