New wellness center considered

Published 10:35 am Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The YMCA and Austin Medical Center are conducting a feasibility study to determine the community’s need for a wellness center.

The new center would be located between the two facilities on First Drive Northwest, city administrator Jim Hurm reported Monday to the city council. The proposed facility would serve as an easily accessible transition from the hospital to rehabilitation, and would hopefully gain the YMCA more members as well.

The entities are seeking community support for the project, which Hurm said is hoped to become a “model for the country” and could potentially employ nearly 50 people.

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Hurm suggested the city could not only offer support, but a portion of the funding as well from economic development funds: $2,000 each from the city, Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) and Port Authority.

Council member Pete Christopherson said he does not support the city funding any part of the project.

“They are going to be competing against gyms that already have memberships,” he said. “My personal feeling is this is something we need to keep our feet out of.”

Christopherson said he doesn’t want the city to be forced to “bail out” the business in the future if problems arose.

Hurm said the city would not necessarily have to provide any funding.

Council members John Martin and Dick Pacholl sided with Christopherson, while Jeff Austin questioned how this project would be any different than other businesses the economic development funds have aided.

The council voted not to provide any funding for the feasibility study; however, the HRA and Port Authority have yet to discuss the issue.